Meet the future of sustainability.
See usage , pay bills, see previous month data and so much more.
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See the bill
Our inbuilt screen shows the units used and the total monthly bill. The website further adds on a few details and gives personalized comments on how you can reduce your bill.
Pay and save
If your units consumed per month is lesser than the level set by the goverment, a 5% to 10% cashback will be provided. One can avail the cashback by paying directly through the website.
Monitor the data
Our website provides graphical analytics and text representation of previous months electricity use and gives a percentage reduce or increase relative to the current month.
Letricus aims at saving the environment from the constant carbon emmisions and exponentially increasing energy wastage. With an easy UI and extremely affordable prices, anyone can get our product and save money on electricity bills and along with that save the environment. We aim to install 12,000,000+ units in India alone and save 100,000,000+ units of energy every month effectiviely benefitting our consumers with ₹8,00,00,000 which would otherwise have been wasted. With plans to go global in the next 5 years Letricus will bring change to the world and you can play your part right now, order online